Soroptimist Fashion Show Highlights Women Overcoming Adversity
The "everyday runway" models featured fun, accessible fashion Past award recipients inspired guests with their stories of success. Lauri Blanchard pulled off an entertaining, inspiring show with support from the entire committee Soroptimist...

September Program Meeting: Breast Cancer Awareness
We're starting out the year with a great program meeting on September 20th! We are happy to welcome Jessica Rayhanabad, M.D. as our guest speaker. She will discuss Breast Cancer Awareness: Breast Cancer, Etiology, Current Management, and Survivorship. This...
California Pizza Kitchen will donate 20% of your purchase September 6th
Thank you Cyndi Snyder for setting up another easy peasy fundraiser for Soroptimist and friends! Please email this out to friends and post on your Facebook page. Thanks everyone! Here's how it works: You go for a meal to the California Pizza Kitchen at...
Wahoo’s will donate 20% of your purchase August 16
Thank you Cyndi Snyder for getting this easy peasy fundraiser going for Soroptimist and friends! Please email this out to friends and post on your Facebook page. Thanks everyone! Here's how it works: You go for a meal to the Wahoo's at...
Giving Badge for 2017-18 Awarded to SILB
Members of SI/Long Beach, CA - Thank you! Club Giving - We know how hard you work to generate funds for programs that benefit women and girls. We are so grateful and honored you have elected to contribute a portion of those locally raised funds to Soroptimist’s...
Who Doesn’t Amazon Shop???
Did you know that you could buy shampoo, dog food, shoes, groceries, pond clarifier, photo tools, grandkids tennis shoes….just about anything you can think of! AND if you are a Prime Member ($90/yr) you get free 2 day shipping and access to free movies and 10,000+...
Our Live Your Dream Award Winner in the News
Here is the copy from the CSULB website newsroom: CLASS OF 2017 SPOTLIGHT: JAZMIN MIRAMONTES By Daniela Alvarez Jazmin Miramontes has struggled, but not in the way many college students do....
Live Your Dream Winners Get More Recognition at Spring Region Conference
Here are some photos of our Live Your Dream (LYD) winners receiving additional recognition at Camino Real Region Spring Conference. The photo on the left shows all of the LYD local winners in the region. The photo on the right includes Live Your Dream Winners at...
Long Beach Soroptimists – Past, Present and Future
39th Annual Camino Real Region Spring Conference President -Elect Julia McConaghy, President Susan Berkman and Region Delegate Nadia Vega-Sharrar with the display board designed by Julia to demonstrate the club's past, present and future. Well done, Julia, and...
Live Your Dream and Scholarship Dinner
Our club celebrated with recipients of our grants and scholarships at the 2017 Live Your Dream and Scholarship Dinner on April 19th. Amazing women all around! The club distributed $12,000 in scholarships and Live Your Dream grants and made a $6,100 donation to...