What We Do

Soroptimist – Best for Women
Women at their best, working to help other women to be their best. The name Soroptimist was coined from the Latin soror meaning sister, and optima meaning best. And so Soroptimist is perhaps best interpreted as “the best for women”.
Our years of experience working with women and girls has taught us that education is the key to unlocking economic empowerment of the world’s women and girls. When women and girls are educated, they have opportunity, choice and power to make healthy decisions for themselves and their families. We raise funds to provide scholarships and grants to women pursuing education.
Annually we give out the following awards:
Dr. Katherine White Achievement Award
This award honors the memory of Dr. Katherine White, a dedicated leader in SILB for 43 years, and is made possible by a generous donation from Dr. White’s family.
Women & Philanthropy
Women & Philanthropy at California State University, Long Beach seeks to inspire women to support the university and recognize the innumerable contributions women make to campus. All funds raised through member contributions are used for student scholarships in the categories of research, creative activity, and re-entry students.
Live Your Dream Awards
The Club provides grants to women who are heads of households and pursuing an education or training program. This Soroptimist International of the Americas program also provides awards at regional and national levels. More about Live Your Dream Awards >
Gladdes B. Neff Soroptimist Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for students at California State University Long Beach in the last year of study for a degree in a
Other programs we have supported include:
Long Beach City College – Our members have provided clothing, jackets, toiletries, and gas cards for homeless community college students.
WomenShelter of Long Beach
YESS Program – A human trafficking awareness program
Meals on Wheels of Long Beach
SILB established Meals on Wheels of Long Beach in 1971. The club supported it exclusively until it was incorporated in 1974 and became independent with its own board of directors and funding from grants and private donations. The club sponsors meal delivery for one homebound woman each year.
Women’s Heart Health Resource Center
Our club made a $25,000 grant to St. Mary’s Medical Center to fund the new resource center and provide public awareness and public screenings for heart disease in the community of Long Beach, California. Promotes awareness, early detection, prevention, & follow-up treatment
Soroptimist Women in Trades and Technology Center
SILB donated $25,000 to Long Beach City College for the development of its Women in Trades and Technology Center to encourage women to train for what had been considered non-traditional careers and study technology, trades, math, and science.